Mikel Temo

Mikel Temo
(Born on 1964) he studied Painting in the Academy of Arts, in 1982-1986. Firstly a lector in the Art liceum of Tirana, from the beginning of the ’90 Temo is one of the most active artist, organizing the first independent Art Association, and many exhibitions. After that he follows different art experiences in Italy, Paris, and from 2000 he moves in Vancouver, Canada were is a full time artist, exhibiting in many art shows. Recently Temo lives in Tirana, as an free artist and lector in chief of Painting in the University of Arts, Tirana. During his carrier, Temo experimented in different mediums as painting, photography, sculpture, fashion design, and many others. In his works The mixed media exhibits attention to close valued color and captures elements of compressed time, textural nuance and emotive verve. The pigment and paper appears in layers as though the color and texture is woven into a dense surface plane of abstract figuration. The thematic milieu is skillfully and slowly revealed throughout the presentation.

Selected Exhibitions

2011 Robert Kananaj Gallery, Toronto, Canada.
2009 Agnes Bugera Gallery, Edmonton, Canada.
2008 Wallace Galleries, Vancouver, Canada.
2004 Simon Patrich Gallery, Vancouver, Canada.
2002 Ballardlederer Gallery, Vancouver, Canada.
2001 French Alliance Gallery, Vancouver, Canada.
1992 Amimoni Gallery, Yoannina, Greece.
1991 National Art Gallery, Tirana, Albania.


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